Seniors are Essential Emergency Fund

Springwell’s mission is to serve seniors. They are essential, vibrant members of our communities, and providing the additional services and supports that they need to maintain health and independence is our privilege and honor.

Springwell receives a baseline of government support to provide the services that we do – this government support ensures that our services happen. But government support has never covered all the expenses associated with providing our services, and often comes with restrictions that can make it hard to quickly respond to an urgent need. Springwell is launching the Seniors are Essential Emergency Fund to give us the flexibility to meet the needs of our shared senior neighbors during the pandemic.

Whether it is emergency rental assistance due to a family member’s COVID-19 related layoff, a microwave oven for an isolated senior’s extra frozen meals we are delivering, or technical and equipment investments so that all of our staff can work safely from home, Springwell is juggling both budgeted and significant additional expenses. Some of the needs now are the same as always just magnified but some needs are so different that we couldn’t have planned for them in advance.

By making a gift to Springwell’s Seniors are Essential Emergency Fund, you are trusting our highly qualified team to make decisions that best support our local communities. You are giving us the flexibility to respond to the unusual but urgent requests that aren’t covered by an existing government program, and you are investing in a local nonprofit’s expertise in getting help quickly to where it is needed.